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Motivation [un]Known

Everyone has a dream!
You have a dream! About yourself, life, future, relations with others, career, etc.
Maybe you have also a plan to fulfil your dream. Or maybe not yet. No matter the step you are doing now, you need motivation.

Motivation [un]Known

And sometimes, you don‘t know the motivation behind the dream. Join us in this youth exchange and:
- you will find what made you have that dream/ objectives/ aim;
- you will redefine your dream with very specific indicators and milestones;
- you will find out what motivates you and how to increase your inner drive for the actions that you proposed;
- you will learn how to fight against the 5 enemies of the inner motivation: inefficient time management and procrastination, fears and dysfunctional mental programs, unhealthy lifestyle and habits, burnout and distractors (social media, other daily activities that are time consuming and are obstacles in fulfilling your plans).

How we will do it?
Through personal development exercises, storytelling, sketchnoting, role play and movie-making.

GAMMA Projects & Research

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