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Mobilities for Youth Workers

The Knight of the Heart

The main aim of The Knight of the Heart Training course for youth workers is to help them develop and integrate in their work the therapeutic metaphor of the Hero's Journey through gamification principles and innovative methods.

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The Call to Adventure

The main aim of Gamma Institute training courses in 2023 is to create the consciousness of youth workers identity and to define their professional role in the NGO area, in order to work together better in a multicultural context and to become more motivated in take initiatives in elaborating new projects and activities for youth.

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The Hero's Journey

The second TC from 2022 will be The Hero's Journey: Creating transformative metaphors in youth work

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Identity & Change

The main aim of Gamma Institute training courses in 2022 is to create the consciousness of youth workers identity and to define their professional role in the NGO area, in order to work together better in a multicultural context and to become more motivated in take initiatives in elaborating new projects and activities for youth.

GAMMA Projects & Research

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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