Healthy in my 20's
To do a vision over the life that you always wanted is the best strategy for helping yourself to fulfil your dreams. Even you could compare the creation of your life’s vision with a compass. It will help you to guide your actions and choices for achieving your objectives.

Successful stories and experts are highlighting the idea that, if you have a vision in your mind, you will succed much more than without having a clear vision of what you want. If you don’t create a vision, the circumstances and other people will direct you pathway in life.
How to do this?
You need to grow your vision, to develop it. You need a plan and apply your knowledge and understanding to achieve your vision. Your vision needs to flourish your aspirations, hopes and your dreams.
In this youth exchange, you will create your life’s vision, you will learn to put yourself as priority and to plan the achievement of your dreams.
During the 5 days of personal development, you will create a clear perspective over different aspects of your life and you will define the steps for the each of them:
- Mentality- how you see yourself, life and the world
- Body - how to mantain your health
- Emotions - how to manage them
- Inner self - your unique imprint